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The Untethered Soul: A Personal Journey of Study and Transformation

A book, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer is sitting on a coffee table with a vase beside it.

The Untethered Soul: A Personal Journey of Study and Transformation

A Synchronistic Beginning

It all started with one of those magical, synchronistic moments that seem too perfect to be mere coincidence. I was having lunch with a friend, and she mentioned her niece, who had been seeing a psychotherapist. This therapist, she said, was helping her niece find herself and make progress as an artist.

As she spoke, I felt an electric jolt of recognition. Without hesitation, I asked for the therapist’s contact information. I was feeling lost myself and needed clarity and fulfillment in my work life. Though I loved being a life coach, I felt stuck, with only one stream of income and a fledgling online business that wasn’t gaining traction.

I was fortunate to book a session with the therapist fairly quickly, despite her long waitlist. Our first meeting was a casual introduction, where I explained my desire for more clarity and confidence in my career. At the end of the session, she handed me three books. One of them was The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. Little did I know how profoundly this book would change my life.

An Immediate Connection

I began reading The Untethered Soul in the mornings, right after meditating. Its deep and profound insights captivated me immediately. I was struck by Singer’s ability to explain complex spiritual concepts with metaphors that were both relatable and clear. After each reading session, I felt compelled to journal about the lessons I was learning.

Over the months, this practice became a personal ritual, and even after finishing the book, I found myself returning to it. Every chapter felt new, as though I had never read it before. Today, I continue this practice with a close friend, discussing the book weekly. It’s become a cornerstone of my spiritual life.

The Call to Study

Initially, I didn’t consciously decide to study the book. After my first reading, I was drawn back to it, noticing that its concepts seemed entirely new on the second pass. That’s when I realized that the freedom Singer described wouldn’t come from merely reading.

True freedom—the untethering of the soul—requires study and active practice. The idea that we can free our soul from the discomforts of the material world resonated deeply with me. The promise of this freedom became my guiding light.

Lessons That Changed My Life

The most impactful lesson from The Untethered Soul is the realization that the voice in my head is not me.

Singer’s question, “Who are you, really?” shook me to my core. He explained that we are not our preferences, thoughts, or even our personalities. Instead, we are the witness—the one who observes all of these things. While this is a challenging concept to grasp, it’s even harder to practice. Yet, the more I work on stepping back and observing my reactions rather than getting drawn into them, the more I experience peace.

Another powerful teaching is the practice of letting go.

Singer likens our thoughts and emotions to clouds in the sky or cars on a highway—they’re simply passing phenomena. Our tendency to cling to what we like and resist what we don’t only creates suffering. Learning to relax and release, as Singer advises, has been transformative for me.

When painful emotions arise, I take deep breaths, relax my body, and visualize releasing the stuck energy. This practice has allowed me to lead a more peaceful and drama-free life, despite my artistic upbringing in a household full of theatrics.

Practical Applications

These teachings have deeply influenced my work as a coach.

One of Singer’s key lessons is the importance of keeping the heart open. When we close our hearts, whether due to past pain or present discomfort, we suffer. I’ve made it a point to maintain an open heart while coaching. This approach allows me to connect intuitively with my clients, offering guidance that feels divinely inspired. For me, coaching is an act of love, informed by Singer’s teachings.

Evolving Understanding

When I first read The Untethered Soul, I was in awe of its profound ideas but didn’t fully understand them. Over time, these concepts have become practices, and each rereading deepens my understanding.

The idea that all suffering comes from the mind’s resistance and clinging becomes clearer with each encounter. This realization has shifted my perspective on life and relationships, helping me embrace the flow of life with greater acceptance.

A Spiritual Connection

My connection to The Untethered Soul took on an even deeper dimension when I read Singer’s second book, The Surrender Experiment. In it, he describes reading The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, whose teachings I have followed since the 1980s. And sure enough, Singer too became a follower of Yogananda’s teachings at Self-Realization Fellowship.

Discovering this connection felt like a gentle affirmation that Singer was a surrogate spiritual teacher for me, perfectly aligned with the lineage I revere.

Sharing the Journey

I often recommend The Untethered Soul to those seeking more from life—whether better relationships or a deeper spiritual connection. However, I recognize that it’s not a book for everyone. Its depth requires a certain readiness, but for those who are open, it offers a chance to see life from a more spiritual or sublime perspective, far beyond the mundane.

Reflections on Freedom

At its core, The Untethered Soul is about freedom, which just happens to be my number one Core Value.

It’s about untethering the soul from the burdens of the mind and the world. For me, the book has been a guide, a teacher, and a source of inspiration. It reminds me to relax, release, and embrace the flow of life. Through its teachings, I have found greater peace, joy, and fulfillment—a life aligned with my soul’s highest purpose.

Coaching Supervision Lisa Garber

BIO: With over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients. Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools, she has been instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. Book a Discovery Call here and connect with her on Instagram |@lisagarbercoaching

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