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The Power of Decisions to Shape Your Destiny

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The Power of Decisions to Shape Your Destiny

When I was 33 years old, I took a leap of faith and enrolled at The University of Toronto—as a high-school dropout. At that point, my life could have gone in many different directions, and some people around me (family included) worried that I might just get overwhelmed and quit. But seven years later, I walked out of those university doors with a Master’s Degree in Counselling Psychology.

How the heck did I do that? What kept me going through those long years of study, through the late nights and early mornings, the moments of doubt, and the intense pressure?

I mean, sure, I had dabbled in different careers before, like singing and songwriting, and I’d had some success—but I’d never quite felt I reached my potential. The difference? This time, I had a secret weapon. Something that carried me through the moments I wanted to quit.

It was a decision.

Not just any decision, though—one that felt carved into my heart and soul. I decided I would do whatever it took to succeed at university. This wasn’t a wish or a hope. It was a deep, resounding decision that changed how I moved through each day, shaping my choices, my actions, and, ultimately, my destiny.

Empowered Decision-Making

This wasn’t always how I approached my goals. Before, I would often try things out, dabble a bit, and if something didn’t quite work out, I’d move on. I never took full responsibility for those dreams. But the truth was that I’d never actually made a clear decision about what I wanted to accomplish in those areas.

It was just a “maybe” or “we’ll see,” rather than a “yes, absolutely.”

And then I read something that really drove this home for me: Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. Tony’s message about the sheer, transformative power of decisions clicked with me.

He talks about decisions as the true force behind our destiny—not our circumstances, not our past, not our resources.

He believes that when we make committed decisions, we take control of our lives and unlock the power to shape our futures. This shift happens because decision-making, as he describes, is like a muscle. The more we use it, the stronger it gets.

He suggests treating each decision we make with respect, learning from both the successes and the failures along the way.

Looking back, I realize how powerful this idea was for me. When I made the decision to succeed in university, I took ownership of that outcome. The old excuses I’d used when things got hard didn’t stand a chance. This time, I had a clear, committed decision pulling me forward. And that decision changed everything.

Breaking Free from a Victim Mindset

One thing Tony Robbins stresses is that making a decision is what empowers us to leave any hint of a victim mindset behind.

It’s easy to feel like life is happening to us, especially when we encounter challenges or things don’t go the way we planned.

But a committed decision shifts us out of that passive role and into a position of strength.

When I left my music career, I now see that I carried a lot of victim energy with me, even though I didn’t realize it at the time. I blamed the industry, circumstances, even people around me. But I’d never truly committed to success in that field. I hadn’t made that all-in decision.

When I finally did make a real decision at 33—to succeed no matter what—I was able to break through that victim mentality. I adjusted my focus, committed to a new routine, attended classes, studied on weekends, and even did extra work, like reviewing high-school grammar.

This dedication was something I had never fully applied in my music career, and looking back, I can see why that career didn’t unfold the way I’d once dreamed.

Three Transformational Decisions

Tony Robbins talks about three critical decisions we make, consciously or not, every day. These shape our personal growth, our potential, and our destiny:

  1. What we choose to focus on – Whether we dwell on our fears or focus on our dreams and potential.
  2. The meaning we assign to things – Our interpretation of events, which can either empower us or hold us back.
  3. The actions we choose to take – Those choices we make to bring our dreams to life or let them slip away.

For me, that first choice—what to focus on—was a game-changer. I chose to focus on my dream of becoming a successful university graduate. The meaning I attached to this journey was one of possibility and transformation, and the action I took was to follow through every single day. These choices became the fuel that drove me forward.

How many times do we hold back from giving our full effort to something important?

Maybe it’s a new business, a career goal, or even a personal dream that we only half-commit to, leaving ourselves room to walk away when things get hard. It’s easy to slip into the belief that we don’t have what it takes or that maybe it’s just not meant to be. But if we decide, really decide to go all-in, we give ourselves the power to grow, transform, and reach levels we may have never thought possible.

Every Decision is a Lesson

Tony also reminds us that each decision, whether it brings success or failure, is a chance to learn.

When I look back at my music career, I can see it was a mirror for my earlier habits. I wanted success but hadn’t truly committed to it. My effort was half-hearted at times, and I wasn’t showing up in a way that gave me any power. The same way I used to dread school as a kid when I hadn’t done my homework, I found myself dreading parts of my music career because I wasn’t fully engaged or dedicated. Without that level of decision, it was easy to give up when things got tough.

One of the biggest lessons I learned from this is that a wish doesn’t have the power of a decision. A hope doesn’t have the strength of commitment. And a goal is just a nice idea until you make a decision to bring it to life.

Make a Decision Today

So if you’re reading this and you’ve got a dream that’s been simmering on the back burner or a project that’s stagnating, I encourage you to sit with this question:

What decision could I make today that would ignite my energy, enthusiasm, and sense of purpose?

Then go ahead—make that decision. Write it down, say it out loud, turn it into a vision board, or find music that inspires you. Whatever it takes to breathe life into it, do that. Start it with: “I’ve decided to…” and let that be your guide. For me, the decision that transformed my life was,

“I’ve decided to do whatever it takes to be successful at university.”

Think about your own dreams and decide. And once you do, commit to revisiting it every day. The journey you begin with that decision will be one of the most powerful steps you take toward the life you want.

Let me know what you’ve decided—I’d love to hear about it!


Before you go….are you a coach or a wellness professional who worries about getting clients? Do you feel that sales are too “salesy?” Then I encourage you to sign up for my Free Masterclass: Convert with Confidence: Discovery Calls Made Easy. You will learn about rapport building, scripting, asking for the sale all in the most warm and connected way possible. In fact, my method feels so good, you’ll start to love sales. Here’s the link to get the download sent to your inbox. DOWNLOAD NOW

Coaching Supervision Lisa Garber

BIO: With over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients. Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools, she has been instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. Book a Discovery Call here and connect with her on Instagram |@lisagarbercoaching

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