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Self-Actualization is Exhausting

Blocks with printed words saying "Just be your beautiful self."

Self-Actualization is Exhausting

Personal growth is basically a full-time job. At least, that’s how it feels to me most days. My purpose in life is to fulfill my potential and help others do the same, but living that purpose is no small task.

Meditation, yoga, cooking healthy meals, shopping at specialty stores, journaling, planning, walking, CrossFit, appointments with the osteopath, functional medicine doctor, dentist—the list goes on. And that doesn’t even touch the work side of things, like studying, teaching, coaching, creating content, and, of course, admin tasks and financial reports.

Some days, I wonder if I’ve taken on too much. But then something new comes along—a new book, a teacher’s insight, a practice I want to try—and I feel compelled to add it to the list. Because how could I not? Growth feels like the essence of what it means to be alive.

And yet, I have to admit, I’m often exhausted.

When Exhaustion Meets the Couch

By the end of the day, I’m usually sitting on the couch in front of the TV. And honestly? I love it. I love TV—some shows, sports, movies. I even love just vegging out. (Yes, I think that’s a word—vegging!)

It’s not the most “productive” thing, but I’ve come to realize that it’s part of creating a life I love. A life that isn’t just about doing and achieving, but also about being and enjoying.

Still, there’s a part of me that struggles with this. Am I doing enough? Should I be journaling instead of watching a show? Is this rest, or am I avoiding something?

For me, self-actualization—the aim of becoming my fullest, most authentic self—isn’t just a goal; it’s a way of life. But how do you live like this—juggling endless commitments to growth—without being overwhelmed by it all?

Rest isn't about laziness, it's a critical part of the process.

Planning for Self-Actualization

I don’t have all the answers, but here’s what I’ve been reflecting on: maybe self-actualization isn’t about doing everything, perfectly, all the time. Maybe it’s about choosing wisely and leaving space for what truly matters, including rest and joy.

Here’s what’s been helping me:

  1. Ruthless Prioritization
    I’ve started asking myself: What practices truly align with my purpose? What can I let go of, at least for now? It’s not easy—I want to do it all—but focusing on the essentials has been freeing.
  2. Planning for Rest
    Rest isn’t an afterthought; it’s a non-negotiable part of the process. I’ve learned to schedule downtime, whether it’s watching a favourite show or simply doing nothing, just as intentionally as I schedule CrossFit or a work meeting.
  3. Pacing Myself
    I can’t do it all in one day, and that’s okay. Spreading out commitments over a week or even a month has helped me sustain my energy.
  4. Batching Similar Tasks
    Grouping activities like meal prep or admin work into focused blocks has created more breathing room in my schedule.
  5. Embracing Flexibility
    Some days, I hit all my goals. Other days, I don’t. And I’m learning to let that be okay.
Growth isn't a race. It's a journey.

Living Fully

At the end of the day, self-actualization isn’t about checking every box on your to-do list. It’s about living fully—honouring your deepest values and aspirations while making room for joy, imperfection, and rest.

Some days, I still feel overwhelmed. But I remind myself: growth isn’t a race. It’s a journey. And when I let go of the pressure to “do it all,” I can actually enjoy the process of becoming.

If you’ve been feeling the same way—exhausted, overwhelmed, but still striving—I invite you to follow me on Instagram. It’s where I share more stuff… tips and stories to support you. Instagram Here

Let’s figure this out together.

Coaching Supervision Lisa Garber

BIO: With over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients. Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools, she has been instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. Book a Discovery Call here and connect with her on Instagram |@lisagarbercoaching

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