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Personal Growth Tips on Who You Need To Be to Achieve Your Goals

Person sitting at computer happy to have achieved a goal

Who You Need To Be To Achieve Your Goals


I am all about goals.

I love to set them.

I love to track them.

I love using my colourful Midliners to mark up the page with lines and squiggles.

Yes. I am a fledgling planner nerd and proud of it. 

That said, I notice one big difference between those who set goals and achieve them, versus those who set and leave them, flat, lying there on the page. No juice to make them happen. 


The difference between goal achievers and others is that the achievers also set personal growth or development goals alongside their big dreams. While the others do not. 


The Difference Between Regular Goals and Personal Development Goals


Here’s what I mean. 

There is a difference between personal growth and development goals and other goals. 

For example: say you set a business goal to grow your business by attracting five more coaching clients per month.

You’ve put together the actions and projects, the plan on how to do it.

Maybe you plan to post daily on Instagram, create a challenge, encourage enrollment and guest on two podcasts.

Such a great strategy. And a great goal.


Now, ask yourself, “Who do I need to be to be able to achieve this goal? What qualities, habits, mindset would I need to reach this goal? 


The answer to that question is your Personal Growth goal. It’s the Personal Development necessary to achieve your goal.

See the difference? 


Who do I need to be to achieve this goal?


Look at each of your goals and ask this question, “Who do I need to be to be able to achieve this goal?”

Here’s a plan all written out to give you inspiration and guidance for your own.


In order to attract five new clients per month:

  • I need to be well planned and organized, 
  • I need to be able to overcome any sense of overwhelm, 
  • I need to stay positive and engaged with my goal, 
  • I need to put in the work, 
  • I need to be brave to put myself out there,
  • I need to be confident in my skills,
  • Basically, I need to be fearless!


It’s a mighty list indeed. 

Now, here’s the plan:

  • Habit: work each day from 4-6 after my regular job to manage overwhelm
  • Habit: create a plan and to-do list so I know exactly what I’m doing in those two hours
  • Practise my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)  tapping techniques when I feel overwhelmed and fearful
  • Work on Mel Robbins 5 Second Rule for when I am procrastinating
  • Listen to Marianne Williamson’s Divine Compensation audio book for inspiration once per day when I’m getting ready in the morning and driving to work
  • Write out and read my belief narrative to grow my confidence
  • And make note each day of the things that went well, my wins and what I feel proud of


Can you see how valuable this kind of personal growth goal is?


Working on personal growth goals makes all the difference in being able to achieve the goals you set for yourself. 


Here’s some more ideas of what kinds of things would go under personal development goals.


“Who I need to be” ideas:

  • More empathetic to help improve your relationships
  • More confident
  • A better listener
  • Beat procrastination,
  • More resilient, (resilience is the innate ability to overcome any kind of adversity)
  • More disciplined
  • More mindful and intentional
  • Grateful
  • More organized
  • More positive
  • Manage my negative self-talk


Still at a loss?


If you still feel at a loss, answering that question, “Who do I need to be to achieve my goals?” try thinking about what state you want to be in.

In other words, how do you want to feel and explore what is missing?

What would you need to develop within yourself to be able to be in that state?

Is it more peaceful, more fulfilled, more confident?

And then learn from those who have achieved these states as to how they did it and now you have a plan. 

If you really want to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you really will need to embrace the whole process of change.


In order to get to the next level and to achieve something that you never have before, you are going to have to think and act differently. You will need to do and try new things, new systems, new mindsets. 


And so now and throughout the year, embrace your Personal Growth and Development by asking “Who do I need to be right now to achieve this goal.” 

And then go for it. 

Love ❤️


Coaching Supervision Lisa Garber

BIO: With over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients. Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools, she has been instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. Book a Discovery Call here and connect with her on Instagram |@lisagarbercoaching

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