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Overwhelmed? Try Letting Go Of Control

Person sitting cross legged on a yoga mat meditating with crystal in her open palm

Overwhelmed? Try Letting Go of Control

Is this you? 

You have a very intense full time job and you’re working to get your new coaching business off the ground.

All you are feeling is overwhelmed and discouraged because you cannot make the business happen as fast as you would like. 


Almost all the new coaches who I work with come up against feelings of overwhelm more than once in their quest to grow their business.


And it’s hard to feel this way because their new business is a real passion project for them. 

For example, one person I know has been teaching yoga part time for many years.

Now they are excited about adding life coaching to their offerings.

But, they find their “day job” exhausting.


All they want is to make the switch to teaching yoga and life coaching full time.


But they are overwhelmed. Stuck, stuck, stuck. Mud…YUK!

On top of that, like the cherry on the sundae, they are full of guilt because of their ever increasing to do list that’s not getting done. 

And let’s add one more item here, they are inundated with a lot of “rah rah” gotta go out there and get it done in the podcasts they listen to.

“You’re being lazy, or not giving it your all if you don’t do these things I tell you you must do to get success!”


Whew! I’m overwhelmed just relating their story. 


And to be frank, I’ve been there too. Plenty of times. Especially the part about listening, studying, and watching all the experts telling me what I “must” do to be successful. I must have a choir of voices in my head all “yelling” at me. 

And then, of course, I shut down. Who wouldn’t? It’s a normal response to overwhelm. 

So, how to move beyond that state? 


As odd as it sounds, overwhelm is less about everything that is going on in your life and more  about trying to control everything that is going on in your life. 

When you can’t control life, life can feel overwhelming. 


Therefore, it isn’t simply about changing your life, it’s really all about letting go of trying to control it. 


If you sit back and reflect quietly, you will realize that it is impossible to control life.

The universe is expanding, evolving and doing its thing without any input from you. 

When we fight against these forces by demanding certain outcomes, or time lines or any “how it’s supposed to be” demands, we will be struggling with the energies that create worlds. Really? Are we trying to be Super Heroes? 


It’s a no win situation. 


Plus, your struggles create even more stress. Stress shuts down your thinking brain. And you are left feeling continuously overwhelmed and unable to figure out how to get out of this mess. It’s a vicious cycle. 


Bottom line, we try to control things to feel safe.


How can you work on feeling safe without trying to control everything?


  • Is it building more faith?
  • Is it learning to let go of small things and watching the outcomes.
  • Is it all out surrender? 


I’m in the surrender camp. I would really like to let the energies that build worlds work through me, not me fighting with them. 

It’s a spiritual practice really, learning to let go of control. 

Are you up for it? 

I hope so.

❤️ Lisa

Coaching Supervision Lisa Garber

BIO: With over 25 years of coaching experience, Lisa Garber loves guiding coaches to find their confidence, carve out successful paths, and truly connect with their clients. Known for her deep insights and effective coaching tools, she has been instrumental in turning aspirations into achievements for countless professionals. Book a Discovery Call here and connect with her on Instagram |@lisagarbercoaching

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