People are not lazy. They simply have goals that don’t inspire them. – Anthony Robbins
One of the challenging aspects of creating the life and work you really want is connecting what we do today, to what we want tomorrow.
For example, you know how hard it is to turn down that sugary dessert at the end of a meal? Or not dip your fingers into the chip bowl while watching TV? Or not spend on new clothes or a new car before you really need them?
One reason it’s so hard is because you don’t have a real connection with that action you take today and the future consequences of that very action.
Those daily actions don’t immediately impact our health or our finances. And that means, we don’t think twice about them.
The empty bank account or high blood sugar numbers are not flashing in front of our eyes.
That would help actually, if every time you took an action with negative long term impact, the future consequence popped up before you!
It’s True The Other Way Too!
We don’t see the benefits and positive consequences of those small daily actions either.
Today at the gym, I realized that I had been going to CrossFit consistently for more than three years. I have become very aware of the benefits. Like the other day when I was cleaning something from the floor under my desk and my husband asked if I needed help getting up.
“No thank you,” I smiled. “That’s why I go to CrossFit. So I can get up off the floor without any help!”
Creating new habits that will support your present and build an amazing future is not easy when you don’t have a tangible connection to that future you are building.
Hence, writing a Postcard to yourself, from the future.
What Is A Post Card From The Future?
It’s you, in the future writing to yourself today with the high points of what your life is like.
Here’s an example:
Hey Lisa,
I just got to 2030 and wanted to say, you’ve done an amazing job making this future so great.
Your consistent workouts make getting around such a pleasure. I climbed up the stairs at high park today with my great nieces and actually beat them to the top Hah! They think I’m a superstar.
Your daily meditation has helped so much with my anxiety. I have a sense of inner peace I didn’t know was possible. And I really experience that presence Ekhart Tolle talks about. It is more joyful than I can describe.
And your consistent commitment to writing, sharing and putting yourself out there has totally paid off. I am enjoying so many great coaching and teaching relationships. My readers, students and clients are creating such meaningful lives and fulfilling work they keep thanking me and thanking me for my help. It feels great to do such powerful work.
I know you’ve always been driven by the desire to alleviate suffering in people. And I am doing that because of the hard word and discipline you have put in over the years.
Finally, I know, this is a big postcard, your conscious decision to nurture your relationships more intentionally has made the biggest difference of all. The fullness of my social relations fills me with such love.
Thank you Lisa. I am eternally grateful for your commitment, discipline and work ethic when it came to taking care of yourself, and living your life to the fullest. I am the beneficiary.
With love,
Your Future Self.
What do you think?
Does that help to make your discipline, your courageous acts, your sacrifices all worth it?
To see it come back to validate you, can you feel the power in that?
Can you feel the motivation?
Of course, you have to take it to heart. That means, reading it often. Using your imagination to feel the beauty of the words.
Connecting with your future self with this post card, helps to make your “today” meaningful and purposeful.
Think of your postcard when you lose your willpower, or your nerve, or your ability to dream bigger.
Read it when you are stuck, avoiding and procrastinating. Let the words help you with your habits and behaviours.
You can do this, grow into the being you hope to be. And live the life you dream of living.
Yes, you can. I’m rooting for you!
Want to work together? Here’s your chance. Book a Free Clarity Call with me and we can discuss it. Thanks for reading.